Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mucho Wu 5

The late Joe Strummer. What can I say that hasn't already been said. Growing up listening to horrible late 70's/80's rock stumbling onto the Clash turned everything around for me. Like tossing a hand grenade into 50 gallon drum or nitro - that band blew a huge hole into the end of a dreadful decade. Through that hole I could finally see light.

Joe was the nucleus of all that energy and he was violently smart to boot. Not a precise player, but like his name suggests, an atomic rhythm engine that until his untimely death never ran out of go.
Through the beautiful arcing trajectory of his musical legacy you can find whatever movie you want to star in. Take heed angels, I hear a tele tuning up in heaven.

See you on down the line Joe, the Volatile Molotov says...

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